Monday, 20 November 2017

A fortnight in Auckland

I know it has been longer since I got here, but the first impressions are always worth sharing. 

Then of course it can become routine. It already seems, I have been here for, like forever! What with me resuming my housewife and editor duties without too much of a break.

Well leaving out the obvious, let me share with you what I have experienced so far. First to answer the question from the dear friends back at home. Yep! India and Bangalore are still The Home.

Friends ask me, “…yaad aati hai?” (“Do you remember us?”)

Guys! I have not had a memory loss! Of course, I remember our days and evenings together and I most definitely will continue to do so.

Now, coming to the point. First destruction of myth for you… All the online blogs that I tried to research before coming here, most of them claimed, New Zealand is so clean, people walk here barefoot!

Well, coming from India especially cities like Bangalore and Ranchi, I cannot argue the cleanliness part, but let me tell you, people here wear the smartest of shoes! All of them. Right from toddlers to oldies in retiring homes, best of shoes in the best condition. And they are clean too.

One myth down, let me tell you some more…

Never having stepped on a foreign land before, (I know my trip to Nepal nearly two decades ago does not count as a foreign trip) I cannot help but compare everything with back at home.

This is a true Indian’s confession who has spent her life in small town there as well as lived in a metro, so pay heed.

The biggest truth that I have found out is, in India, everything is so damned convenient! We are so used to things being taken care of for us, we do not value what we have there. True, honest confession. We keep on blaming Government for everything and we say we do not have facilities there, but the truth is, what we have I do not think any other part of World has. And I am saying this from my limited resource of comparison and believing New Zealand works like the other developed nations.

These people here, never seemed to have heard the word, free delivery and free installation! Do we, Indians, ever pay for things to be delivered to us? We already paid and bought the things on heavy discount, now it’s the shop's duty to deliver it to us and see to it that it is in top notch running condition or we will simply leave the thing with them and go to some other provider, am I right? Or am I right? 😊
There are so many things I would like to share with you all in the blogs that I intend to write, during my stay in New Zealand. Yes, I said stay, I am still unsure if this is a permanent thing for me.

I think my friends who know me will appreciate better the next information that I share. 
Its October here. I know its October in all parts of Earth, but this is supposed to be start of Summer season in Auckland. Population here is finding it pleasant and are going around in shoestring dresses and ganjis whereas I keep shivering in my full sleeved t-shirt and a sweatshirt. It’s so cold and windy that for someone like me, who does not allow the ceiling fan to run on anything above 3 even during the hot Indian summer months, it feels like the toughest winter I have ever faced. And I come from the old-time hill station town of Ranchi!

I only wish to tell you my friends, I dread the winter months after March. What did you say? You will be hot and dripping with sweat then?
OMG I miss my hot India!

Did I tell you about the internet connection? Will get back to you in my next update. Keep watching this space.

P.S.   I do Love it! 

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